Do you offer a lunch program?

Do you offer a lunch program?

All students at CMH are required to supply or bring a daily lunch that follows the nutritional guidelines outlined in our Parent Handbook.

Additionally, during the week we currently offer healthy, nutritional, full-meal options. Lunch choices can be billed through CMH as a standing order or as-needed; both are completely optional.

For every lunch, we strongly recommend wholesome, balanced meals that include protein, fruits and vegetables, dairy, wholegrain bread or pasta, white milk or drinks made from 100% juice.

The following are NOT permitted: soda, candy, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, chocolate or other high-sugar snacks. We are also a 100% nut-free environment. Our teachers are always available to discuss this program with you and help with suggestions or options. We advocate for encouraging your child to participate in his or her own menu planning, specific choices and lunch packing. At CMH, children sit together with classmates at lunchtime in the spirit of good health, good manners and good companionship.

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