Middle School (Ages 12 – 15)

From seventh to eighth grade

Supporting adolescents as they develop a tangible understanding of responsibility and the self-reliance they will need in adulthood.

As is true for our PrePrimary and Elementary programs, the Middle School will provide a rich environment rooted in the work of Dr. Maria Montessori. It is through her philosophy that our students will reach their full potential and prepare to enter adult life.

In the Middle School, we will strive to assist the development of the adolescent with the following:

  • Supporting the natural human development of the adolescent
  • Connecting the adolescent to the land through scientific and historical studies
  • Stewardship of the land
  • Providing opportunities to explore a variety of social and economic roles
  • Engaging both the head and the hands in purposeful activity
  • Stimulating valorization through meaningful work
  • Assisting the adolescent to become independent
  • Promoting the moral development of the adolescent
  • Encouraging self-expression and critical thinking skills
  • Fostering a lifelong love of learning 
  • Learning what it means to make a contribution
  • Understanding interdependence with the rest of the world
  • Adapting to a variety of work demands for the sake of others; the beginning of social consciousness
  • Understanding work as a product of commerce necessary to community life and leading to a beginning view of economic independence and interdependence
  • Learning the meaning of rules and their importance to harmonious living
  • Learning to live in domestic relations with others; to work through human problems

(Partially adapted from David J. Kahn - The Hershey Montessori Farm School

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