Join CMH Naturalist as she reveals how a surprise pumpkin patch sprouted at CMH. And after you enjoy the video, check out these activities/resources:Nectaries and Pumpkins
A Tree That's (Been) Out of This World Do you know this tree outside the PP1 classroom? Did you know that it has traveled with NASA to outer space? With mottled bark of white, grey, pink, and light green patches it is one of the easiest trees to identify in our area. The Sycamore, Platanus…
The Unencumbered Child in Nature Last week the Senior Outdoor Club gathered for our weekly afternoon and started out with a short meeting to discuss how to spend the next hour and a half. The kids were excited to share the plan that they had formulated earlier in the day and to get started with…
School is back in session Now that school is back in session I am spending time in the gardens and green spaces of our lovely CMH campus again with children. Not only have the children grown and changed during the summer months, but of course, the weeds in our gardens have grown and even multiplied…